

People ask, why do you visit Africa? My answer apart from the obvious (taking photos of wildlife) is the fact of experience first-hand the evolution and sustainability of the ecosystem that has survived over time.

Africa itself is the cradle of civilization, is the home of most minerals and raw materials that we need in our daily live. The big investments of the Asian Giant show that as a continent they have potential and opportunities in every way. What is disturbing is that steps must be taken to ensure that wildlife remains for long time and don’t become a distant memory.Read more 

Perhaps the most important thing to highlight is the false perception of insecurity in which the continent is immersed. Quite the contrary, countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Namibia to mention a few are extremely safe. People are very kind and friendly.

When traveling to any part of the world there are areas or districts where you must be cautious.

What amazed me the most is the immense and inexhaustible of the grasslands, plains and the essence of being in an environment that has maintained itself for hundreds of years.

Serengeti and Masaai Mara are part of that cycle of life and death that manage the wildlife day to day. Both (Serengeti and Masaai Mara) are for me the most impressive and important parks and are the sceneries of the two events with the greatest connotation of wildlife on the planet.

The Great Migration and the Mara River Crossing. Together these events could be said to be essential for the cycle of life throughout the continent.

Zebras, Thompson’s Gazelles and Wildebeest essentially make the Migration, but the latter being the ones that participate in the greatest number, which goal is to follow the rains that produce better pastures. Of course other herbivores are part of this search of opportunities for new generations.

Migration begins in the Serengeti (Tanzania) in mid-December and or early January ending in Masaai Mara (Kenya). This cycle repeats year after year. Calculations made indicate that the participation of ruminants, herbivores among others is composed of 1.5 to 1.9 million animals.

The months of July to September are the busiest in the Maasai Mara reserve. The concentration and activity is numberless. African Buffaloes, Giraffes, Hyenas, Crocodiles, Hippos, Rhinos and Cheetahs join the landscape of the African flatland.  Entering autumn, the other great event begins. Moving south following the rains. The feared and well-known crossing of the powerful Mara River. This event claims and demands its portion.

Crocodiles of unimaginable sizes patrol its waters. Their tails can measure proportionally the size of their body. On average a crocodile is between 5 to 7 meters.

Therefore, simply works to answer the question, Why Africa? It is a continent with a lot to discover. To live, feel, touch and enjoy one of the most natural environments in the world.

Fascinating, immense, unmatched, wild, different and exciting. Hence Africa!

Enjoy your next trip! Live and create memories !!

Tanzania, octubre 2018