Travel Videos

Make videos about our travels is one of my favorite part. I can quickly and clearly show you some photographic and travel tips and share with you my experiences in the world of photography. If you want to have more information before visiting the destinations, in my videos and social networks I tell you about my experiences, I usually do Live on IGTV so the videos remain for later watching.

You can also visit my social networks on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter so you can learn about my photography work and even videos of my trips. On Instagram I have two (2) accounts, one for color photos and another one for black and white photos.

Other sections that you can review and enjoy on my website in addition to the videos on my Youtube channel correspond to my photographic work with series of wildlife, landscapes and bird watching, among other sections.

From time to time I create new online publishing with images, services, blog and other products that you can purchase.