
Africa best travel tips

Although this is an article aimed at those who are traveling to Africa for the first time, it can be used by others who visit other cities within the continent of greatest contrast and variety on the planet.

In this post I want to offer you the African best travel tips ever! Although this is an article to those who travel for the first time to Africa, it can be also used by others who visit other cities within this continent with the greatest variety of the planet.

There are many taboos, myths, and wrong ideas that we are going to demystify with this article. We will clarify doubts of many of our clients, so keep reading!

What to eat in Africa?

Among the main tips for traveling to Africa, something that generates many questions at all levels is food. Questions like: What types/classes of food are there? What animals do they eat? Are they typical or international foods?

The reality is that in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa, Namibia, among other countries, the food is amazingly good. And I want to add that you can find this in any type of accommodation that your budget allows: Camping, Lodge, Hostels, Tented Camp, Tented Lodge, 3, 4 and 5 star hotels and luxury accommodations. On my trips I have stayed in various accommodations and all are excellent options.

In fact, many accommodations take into account if you have any dietary restrictions, which you can inform them of before your arrival at the accommodation.

The truth is, and this is my personal opinion: In many of these countries, they have a British influence in their meals, some accommodations even offer afternoon tea. Waking up to tea and cookies before breakfast? This part is my favorite. A coffee at 5:30 a.m. with cookies wakes anyone up in the best way to enjoy the day.

The meals usually offer fruits, salads, main dishes with chicken, beef, house breads, among a wide variety. Personally, I don’t eat spicy food, so when I arrive, the first thing I tell the chef is not to include spicy food in my meals.

Where do you sleep in Africa?

As I mentioned previously, there are many different accommodation options. And it all depends on the budget you want to consider. Here I present one of the most important tips for traveling to Africa that you should keep in mind.

  • Camping type accommodations
  • Hostel type accommodations
  • Hotel type accommodations (normal, farm type)
  • Tents Camp type accommodations
  • Tents Lodge type accommodations
  • Luxury accommodations

Each of them offers various amenities and services. In some you can find game rooms, swimming pools, bonfires at sunset, special dances from the various communities in the area. For example: Masai Village, Bushmen, among others. You can buy items directly from the native communities or from the accommodation store.

Alojamiento tipo Camping en Tanzania

Most accommodations offer laundry and ironing services. So if you are staying for at least two nights, I recommend you check the delivery time of the items you want to wash. On one occasion I sent some shirts to be washed, unfortunately the item was damaged in the process, but the manager of the accommodation came over and they resolved the problem in the best way possible. The hospitality and service is exceptional.

Transport on safaris and excursions in Africa

The vehicles we use are essentially special 4x4s and use double fuel tanks. They have spare tires and space for 7 occupants in addition to the driver. Panoramic windows so you don’t miss anything and a retractable roof. That way everyone can take a good photo of the subject or object they need. There are other types of transportation, modified vehicles prepared for the occasion; but we work mostly with 4x4s like the ones you see in the image.

Vehículos 4×4 en el Serengeti

Travel insurance

One of the Tips for traveling to Africa post pandemic, and although Africa is very safe, I always recommend including additional travel insurance to be treated in a private clinic or hospital. The insurance packages we offer are basic like Flydoctor, which is included in the price and covers the transfer from the park to the city center.

We offer other additional insurance that you can consult additionally. Including coverage for COVID-19, trip cancellation or others. For more details you can send me an email to As the saying goes: “Forewarned is forearmed”

Type of luggage

For me this is an extremely important point, starting with the fact that I recommend using bag-type suitcases. First, because they are more comfortable. Remember that you are moving from one point to another in 4×4 vehicles that do not have space for hard suitcases.

Second, if you have an internal flight, airlines do not allow hard suitcases and those that do, will charge you an additional fee. In the worst case, your suitcase will not be able to travel with you. Therefore, my recommendation is to use a bag-type suitcase, made of mountain material and made of good material.

Read also: The Big Five – Animals you won’t miss in Africa

First aid and medications

It’s not a bad idea to bring your own mini first aid kit with some painkillers or any other general ailments you may suffer from. Vehicles have a first aid kit in case of cuts, falls or other similar circumstances.

Regarding mosquitoes, something that I am constantly asked about is that I take thiamine a week before and during the trip, but I do it as a preventative measure since I am very gentle with mosquitoes. But I must confess that I have never had any problems of this type. For any decision on this subject, remember to consult your doctor first.

What language is spoken in Africa?

The most valuable advice for traveling to Africa is the language. Depending on the region or destination, several languages ​​are spoken. We work with guides who speak up to 6 languages ​​in some cases. But if you want to buy a souvenir, the conversation is usually in English. However, it is easy to find shop assistants who speak Spanish or other languages.

However, when shopping, haggling is a must. Depending on the purchases and volume, you can negotiate. And if that doesn’t convince you, you can always visit another sales center.

Should I bring photography equipment to Africa?

If you have decided to see Africa first-hand, enjoy the Serengeti, Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru or any other place, I highly recommend that you buy or rent photography equipment that will allow you to bring back those memories. I have seen people who only take their cell phones to take photos. I assure you that when they get home they will say for most of the photos that no one told them or recommended that they take responsible photography equipment.

You don’t have to invest in big lenses. Unless you are an amateur or professional photographer, you can consider going with equipment and accessories that I will detail in another article. I invite you to read my post in which I talk about the photography equipment that you can use on your trip.

Related reading: What to visit in Africa?

How much does it cost to go to Africa?

How much does it cost to travel to Africa? It’s the million-dollar question. And it’s easy to answer. The factors that affect the price are: Season (High or Low), number of days, country to visit and accommodation category.

These 5 considerations will influence the price or budget you want to invest, as well as the type of activity you are looking for when visiting Africa. In other words: Organizing a wedding is not the same as going on a trip or taking photos of wildlife.

You can also choose to have us organize a tailor-made tour for you or participate in one of our regular groups throughout the year.


In order to offer you options, let me know your interests with the following questions:

1.- Is this your first visit to Africa?

2.- How many days do you have available for the visit?

3.- Do you want a tailor-made tour or would you participate in a regular one?

4.- Tell me your estimated budget and the dates you expect to travel.

Get a quote for your trip to Africa with our team here

I hope you found these tips for traveling to Africa interesting. Remember to share this article if you liked it and follow me on all my social networks. See you in the next installment!